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If you're a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade teacher who wants to spend less time lesson planning and more time helping your students become skilled readers and writers, then this is the place for you.
Add my name to the waitlist!See what our members have to say about The Stellar Literacy Collective.

What would it be like if...
✔ ... you woke up tomorrow and every day feeling a sense of calm because you have the exact resources you need to help your students grow as readers and writers?
✔ ... you walked into your classroom every Monday morning excited about your lesson plans and teaching for the week?
✔ ... you could see real, tangible progress in all your students' reading and writing abilities?
✔ ... you left your classroom each and every day way earlier than normal and headed home to spend more time with your family or friends because your lesson plans were done and read, not blank and daunting.
✔ ...instead of being stressed and overwhelmed with teaching ELA, you were excited and energized.
Well, guess what! We can make all that happen! 🙌
Add my name to the waitlist.